Connecting Apache and Tomcat using mod_jk

Aim of the Task: Connect Apache Http Server 2.0.63 with Tomcat 5.5

My Apache is running at 80 and Tomcat running at 8080. I have an application running in tomcat at url http://localhost:8080/examples and after this configuration I should be able to access the application through Apache.

1) Download mod_jk

Download the mod_jk module from the following location.

Copy this file to Apache modules directory.

2) Create

Create in the Apache conf directory and paste the following default content in it.

# Define 1 real worker using ajp13

# Set properties for worker1 (ajp13)

3) Generate mod_jk.conf

This file is auto generated by the Tomcat. Add the following line in the server.xml of Tomcat under the <Server> root tag.

<Listener className="org.apache.jk.config.ApacheConfig" modJk="APACHE_INSTALL_DIR/modules/" workersConfig="APACHE_INSTALL_DIR/conf/" />

Note: Replace APACHE_INSTALL_DIR with the complete location of the Apache Installation Directory.

Start the tomcat server and if everything is ok then Tomcat will generate the mod_jk.conf under the directory Tomcat5.5/conf/auto.

4) Modify httpd.conf

Now open the httpd.conf file and load this conf. 

Include tomcat-5.5/conf/auto/mod_jk.conf

5) Configure Tomcat applications for Apache

Add the following lines to configure how Apache uses JK module.

# Send everything for context /examples to worker named worker1 (ajp13)
JkMount  /examples/* worker1

Now start Apache and access the examples url without port. Ex: http://localhost/examples

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